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Literature Search

In this collection you will find peer-reviewed journal articles, research, and findings related to treatment courts. This page will be continuously updated as new treatment court research is published. You can filter articles by availability, court type, year, or keyword. Due to copyright laws, some of these articles may require extra steps to view once leaving the NDCRC website.

Resources by Team Role

This page organizes various types of resources relevant to the specific roles that together comprise a treatment court team. Browse to learn about the specific roles, their responsibilities, and how you can work to best meet the needs of treatment court participants. Use the filter function to choose a specific role or type keywords into the search bar. If there’s something you can’t find or if you have a specific request, let us know!

Case Management

Best Practice Standard #6 asserts that participants will receive complimentary treatment and social services that are known to influence the use of drugs/alcohol and criminal recidivism. Case management is a fundamental feature of the treatment court model and these resources provide an overview of how to provide effective case management services within your treatment court program.

Drug Alcohol Testing

Key Component #5 and Best Practice Standard #7 assert that treatment court programs continuously monitor participants’ use of drugs/alcohol throughout their term of enrollment. These resources provide practitioners with the information needed to design and implement a sound drug/alcohol testing regimen.

Equity and Inclusion

Equity and Inclusion Ensuring that all individuals have equal access to & retention within treatment court programs is an issue to which all programs should attend and is outlined in Best Practice Standard #2. These resources will assist treatment court stakeholders with examining programmatic data for the purposes of identifying and addressing issues of inequity and/or exclusion.

Families and Parenting

Best Practice Standard #6 asserts that participants will receive complimentary treatment and social services that are known to influence the use of drugs/alcohol and criminal recidivism. Given the devastating impact substance use has on families and the role of family in the recovery process, programs that provide participants with access to parenting/family treatment services have positive outcomes. These resources provide an overview of specific evidence-based resources (i.e., family-based treatment, parenting curricula, etc.)that are effective with

Trauma-Informed Practices

Providing participants with access to a continuum of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services is a hallmark feature of the treatment court model (BPS #5).A wealth of empirical research has found that a high percentage of treatment court program participants have experienced trauma which is often a catalyst for the use of drugs/alcohol and criminal justice system involvement. These resources provide an overview of which trauma-informed practices are most effective in addressing the needs of


The work of treatment court programs across the US/Territories increasingly involves the use of technology. Recent technological advancements have been designed for and implemented within the treatment court context. These resources provide an overview of the options available and evidence regarding strengths and challenges.

MAT and Opioid Use Disorder

Many treatment court programs across the US/Territories have had to modify/expand their menu of clinical treatment services in order to meet the needs of individuals with opioid use disorder. The use of pharmacological interventions to address opioid-use disorders has been deemed an effective treatment modality within the population served by treatment courts. These resources highlight what treatment services have been found to be effective among the treatment court population and how MAT can complement other

Recovery Support Services

Best Practice Standard #6 asserts that participants will receive complimentary treatment and social services that are known to influence the use of drugs/alcohol and criminal recidivism. Research has demonstrated the importance of addressing participant needs in the areas of housing, employment, education, child care, transportation, health, peer support, etc. These resources will provide you with insight regarding how best to address the recovery support needs of treatment court participants.

Screening and Assessment Tools

Best Practice Standard #1 asserts that evidence-based assessment tools should be used to determine what individuals are admitted to treatment court programs. Screening tool results indicate which individuals are in need of a more in-depth assessment. These resources provide an overview of the specific tools that have been empirically validated for use with the treatment court population in making that determination.

Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment

Providing participants with access to a continuum of substance use disorder(SUD) treatment (and co-occurring disordertreatment) services is a hallmark feature of the treatment court model (BPS #5).A wealth of empirical research has found that programs providing participants with access to treatment services that address criminal thinking patterns have positive outcomes. These resources outline what specifical clinical treatment modalities are most effective with the treatment court population (and known sub-populations).

Program Evaluation Tools

Below are a variety of resources related to program evaluation for treatment courts. The articles, monographs, and tools provided are intended to assist courts in developing and executing effective and comprehensive process, outcomes, and other types of evaluations. Be sure to check back often as this page will be updated regularly.

Adult Treatment Courts

Operational documents, foundational readings, and other critical resources curated specifically for Adult Treatment Courts.

DWI/DUI Courts

Operational documents, foundational readings, and other critical resources curated specifically for DUI/DWI Courts.