Painting the Current Picture

The Painting the Current Picture: A National Report on Treatment Courts in the United States is an in-depth analysis of treatment court programs across the United States. This monograph provides stakeholders with the ability to monitor trends and to highlight similarities and differences in the findings obtained over time. Additionally, the monograph also provides a synopsis of the most recent scholarly literature on treatment courts. Summaries of the extant literature for each treatment court type include a brief overview of the history and structure, best practice standards, guiding principles, effectiveness and cost-benefit findings, and directions for future research.

PCP 2022

Court-specific Briefs (Coming soon!)

Interested in examining data and recent scholarly literature for a specific treatment court type? If so, please check back soon for the court-specific briefs.

  • ADC
  • DUI
  • VTC
  • FTC
  • MHC
  • JDTC
  • JMHC
2022 PCP Monograph Cover Thumbnail


PCP 2022

Court-specific Briefs

Interested in examining data and recent scholarly literature for a specific treatment court type? If so, dive into one of the court-specific briefs.

2022 PCP Monograph Cover Thumbnail